
People through MTFL
조연진 (Jo, Yeonjin), Ph.D 2022 Fall, M.S 2017 Spring
Thesis (Ph.D): 역U자관 내부 기체축적 현상에 대한 실험적 연구
Experimental research of gas accumulation inside inverse U-bend
Thesis (M.S): Visual and acoustic studies of rising and smooth bubble condensation phenomena
of condensable bubble in subcooled pool water
Position after MTFL: 한국생산기술연구원 (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology)
나거성 (Na, Geoseong), MS 2020 Fall
Thesis (M.S): Void fraction detection using ultrasonic technique under two-phase flow condition
in a vertical tube
Position after MTFL: Korea Institute of Energy Research
Samah A. Albdour, MS 2020 Spring
Thesis (M.S): Effect of tangential acceleration on critical heat flux (CHF) on a vertical heated surface
under rolling motion
Position after MTFL: Ph.D program at Khalifa University of Science and Technology, UAE
Elvira F. Tanjung, Ph.D 2019 Spring
Thesis (Ph.D): Pool boiling critical heat flux (CHF) mechanism under static and rolling conditions
Position after MTFL: Deputy 1 at Executive office of the president of the Republic of Indonesia
(Infrastructure, Energy, and Investment)
Omar S. Al-Yahia, Ph.D 2018 Fall
Thesis (Ph.D): Influence of bubble behavior on flow instability under uniform and
non-uniform transverse heat distribution
Position after MTFL: Postdoctoral researcher at Khalifa University of Science and Technology, UAE
김영민 (Kim, Yeongmin), MS 2018 Fall
Thesis (M.S): An experimental study on the detection of defects in the rotating blade
using active acoustic detection
Position after MTFL: LG Electronics
김태우 (Kim, Taewoo), MS 2018 Spring
Thesis (M.S): Effect of transversely non-uniform heat flux on subcooled nucleate boiling
in a narrow rectangular channel
Position after MTFL: LG Electronics
오선영 (Oh, Sunny), MS 2018 Spring
Thesis (M.S): Evaluating concentration level of driver through driver monitoring platform
Position after MTFL: DELPHI Korea