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  Journal articles

* Corresponding author


  1. Ji-Hwan Park, Byoung Jae Kim, Daeseong Jo* (2025) Experimental and numerical analyses for boiling model selection and nonuniform void behavior at the onset of flow instability. Annals of Nuclear Energy (210) Article 110840


  1. Faraz Aziz, Daeseong Jo* (2024) Pressure fluctuations preceding critical heat flux during subcooled flow boiling in a one-side heated mini-channel under rolling motion. Annals of Nuclear Energy (198) Article 110306

  2. Faraz Aziz, Yong Joong Lee, Daeseong Jo* (2024) Pressure fluctuation analysis for the CHF approaching condition during subcooled flow boiling through a mini-channel. Progress in Nuclear Energy (173) Article 105289

  3. Daeseong Jo (2024) Characteristics of self-propelled Leidenfrost droplets on asymmetrically structured surfaces: Evidence for a self-rotation-induced propulsive mechanism. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 38 (10)

  4. Faraz Aziz, Daeseong Jo* (2024) Influence of rolling motion on CHF location during subcooled flow boiling through a mini-channel. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 38 (10)


  1. Hundong Choi, Faraz Aziz, Younghoon Shin, Woonbong Hwang, Kwon-Yeong Lee*, Daeseong Jo* (2023) Effects of super-hydrophilicity and orientation of heater surface on bubble behavior and the critical heat flux in pool boiling. Annals of Nuclear Energy (186) Article 109762

  2. Ji-Hwan Park, Il Seouk Park, Daeseong Jo* (2023) Experimental consideration for contact angle and force acting on bubble under nucleate pool boiling. Nuclear Engineering and Technology (55) 1269-1279

  3. Daeseong Jo (2023) Motion of Leidenfrost self-propelled droplets on ratchet in low- and high-temperature regimes. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (37) 5425-5430


  1. Yeonjin Jo, Yong Jae Song, Daeseong Jo* (2022) Gas accumulation induced by temperature rise and sudden pressure drop in an inverse U-bend.    Annals of Nuclear Energy (169) Article 108928


  1. Ji-Hwan Park, Ilchung Park, Daeseong Jo* (2021) Statistical method for determining the onset of nucleate boiling under forced and natural circulations in a rectangular channel. Annals of Nuclear Energy  (150) Article 107863

  2. Samah A. Albdour, Elvira F. Tanjung, Daeseong Jo* (2021) Experimental study of critical heat flux mechanism on a vertical heated surface under rolling motion. Annals of Nuclear Energy  (151) Article 107967

  3. Tae Wook Ha, Sung Won Bae, Jonh-Pil Park, Daeseong Jo, Byong-Jo Yun, Jae Jun Jeong* (2021) Development of an empirical correlation for the onset of flow instability in narrow rectangular channels. Nuclear Engineering and Design (375) Article 111090

  4. Elvira F. Tanjung, Byoung Jae Kim, Daeseong Jo* (2021) Effects on pool boiling critical heat flux (CHF) with different direction and magnitude of additional accelerations due to rolling. Annals of Nuclear Energy (154) Article 108095 

  5. Thinh Quy Duc Pham, Jichan Jeon, Daeseong Jo, Sanghun Choi* (2021) Two-phase flow simulations using 1D centerline-based C- and U-shaped pipe meshes . Applied Sciences (11) Article 11052020

  6. Geoseong Na, Ji-Hwan Park, Hongrae Jo, Daeseong Jo* (2021) Measuring void fraction in vertical air-water flow using echo intensity and visualization techniques. Progress in Nuclear Energy (136) Article 103731

  7. Yong Jae Song*, Dong Seok Lim, Min Beom Heo, Beom Kyu Kim, Doo Yong Lee, Daeseong Jo, (2021) Debris transport visualization to analyze the flow characteristics in reactor vessel for nuclear power plants. Nuclear Engineering and Technology (53) 4003-4013 


  1. Young Seock An, Daeseong Jo, Byoung Jae Kim* (2020) Multimode film boiling on a horizontal surface in a vertically oscillating system. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer (119) Article 104964

  2. Hongrae Jo, Yong Jae Song, Daeseong Jo* (2020) Non-intrusive detection of gas-water interface in circular pipes inclined at various angles. Annals of Nuclear Energy (139) Article 107267

  3. Elvira F. Tanjung, S.A. Albdour, Y.U. Jeong, Daeseong Jo* (2020) Critical heat flux (CHF) in pool boiling under static and rolling conditions. Nuclear Engineering and Technology (52) 520-529

  4. Ho Joon Yoon*, Waleed Al Naqbi, Omar S. Al-Yahia, Daeseong Jo (2020) Validation of RELAP5 MOD3.3 code for Hybrid-SIT against SET and IET experimental data. Nuclear Engineering and Technology (52) 1926-1938

  5. Elvira F. Tanjung, Daeseong Jo* (2020)  Visualization study on pool boiling critical heat flux under rolling motion. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (153) Article 119620

  6. Hongrae Jo, Yeongmin Kim, Daeseong Jo* (2020) Acoustically monitoring defects on rotating turbine blades. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (34) 1913-1923

  7. Omar S. Al-Yahia, Ho Joon Yoon, Daeseong Jo* (2020) Experimental study of bubble flow behavior during flow instability under uniform and non-uniform transverse heat distribution. Nuclear Engineering and Technology (52) 2771-2788


  1. Omar S. Al-Yahia, Ho Joon Yoon, Daeseong Jo* (2019) Bubble dynamic parameters during subcooled flow boiling under uniform and non-uniform transverse heat distribution. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (143) Article 118508

  2. Elvira F. Tanjung, Daeseong Jo* (2019)  Surface orientation effects on bubble behaviors and critical heat flux mechanism in saturated water pool. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (133) 179-191

  3. Hongrae Jo, Yong Jae Song, Daeseong Jo* (2019) Observation of dissolved gas separation and accumulation in stationary water. Annals of Nuclear Energy (131) 305-316


  1. Taewoo Kim, Yong Jae Song, Omar S. Al-Yahia, Daeseong Jo* (2018) Prediction of the minimum point of the pressure drop in a narrow rectangular channel under a transversely non-uniform heat flux. Annals of Nuclear Energy (122) 163-174

  2. Omar S. Al-Yahia, Daeseong Jo* (2018) ONB, OSV, and OFI for subcooled flow boiling through a narrow rectangular channel heated on one-side. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (116) 136-151

  3. Omar S. Al-Yahia, Taewoo Kim, Daeseong Jo* (2018) Flow Instability (FI) for subcooled flow boiling through a narrow rectangular channel under transversely uniform and non-uniform heat flux. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (125) 116-128

  4. Elvira F. Tanjung, Bernard O. Alunda, Yong Joong Lee, Daeseong Jo* (2018) Experimental study of bubble behaviors and CHF on printed circuit board (PCB) in saturated pool water at various inclination angles. Nuclear Engineering and Technology (50) 1068-1078

  5. Taewoo Kim, Omar S. Al-Yahia, Daeseong Jo* (2018) Experimental study on the Onset of Nucleate Boiling in a narrow rectangular channel under transversely non-uniform and uniform heating. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (99) 158-168

  6. Hyun-Soon Lee, Sunyoung Oh, Daeseong Jo, Bo-Yeong Kang* (2018) Estimation of driver's danger level when accessing the center console for safe driving. Sensors (18) 3392


  1. Hongrae Jo, Daeseong Jo* (2017) Experimental studies of condensing vapor bubbles in subcooled pool water using visual and acoustic analysis methods. Annals of Nuclear Energy (110) 171-185

  2. Omar S. Al-Yahia, Daeseong Jo* (2017) Onset of nucleate boiling for subcooled flow through a one-side heated narrow rectangular channel. Annals of Nuclear Energy (109) 30-40

  3. Omar S. Al-Yahia, Yong Joong Lee, Daeseong Jo* (2017) Effect of transverse power distribution on the ONB location in the subcooled boiling flow, Annals of Nuclear Energy (100) 98-106

  4. Kyung-O Kim, Hea Sun Jeong, Daeseong Jo* (2017) Numerical analysis for multi-group neutron-diffusion equation using Radial Point Interpolation Method (RPIM), Annals of Nuclear Energy (99) 193-198


  1. Kwon-Yeong Lee, Young-Wook Tahk, Daeseong Jo* (2016) Effect of oxide layer growth on fuel temperature of mini fuel plates. Progress in Nuclear Energy (91) 153-158

  2. Omar S. Al-Yahia, Ho Lee, Daeseong Jo* (2016) Transient analyses of the Jordanian 5 MW research reactor under LOEP accident. Annals of Nuclear Energy (87) 575-583

  3. Daeseong Jo* (2016) Hydrodynamic model of interfacial area for trickling flow in a packed bed. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (30) 171-178

  4. Namgyun Jeong, Daeseong Jo* (2016) Temperature evaluation on long-term storage of radioactive waste produced in the process of isotope production, Tans. Korean Soc. Mech. Eng. B (40) 471-475


  1. Juhyung Lee, Daeseong Jo, Heetaek Chae, Soon Heung Chang, Yong Hoon Jeong*, Jae Jun Jeong (2015) The characteristics of premature and stable critical heat flux for downward flow boiling at low pressure in a narrow rectangular channel. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (69) 86-98

  2. Kyung-O Kim, Daeseong Jo* (2015) Analysis of doppler coefficients for typical PWR UO2 and MTR U3Si2-Al fuels using ENDF/B-VI and VII. Annals of Nuclear Energy (85) 1024-1028

  3. Kyung-O Kim, Suki Park, Daeseong Jo* (2015) Transient behaviors of heavy water reflector system during postulated initiating events (PIEs) Progress in Nuclear Energy (83) 144-151

  4. Daeseong Jo*, Haksung Kim (2015) Safety assessment of U-Mo fuel mini plates irradiated in HANARO. Annals of Nuclear Energy (81) 219-226

  5. Daeseong Jo*, Chul Gyo Seo (2015) Effects of transverse power distribution on thermal hydraulic analysis. Progress in Nuclear Energy (81) 16-21


  1. Daeseong Jo*, Kyung-Hoon Lee, Hong-Chul Kim, Heetaek Chae (2014) Neutronic and thermal hydraulic analyses of LEU targets irradiated in a research reactor for Molybdenum-99 production, Annals of Nuclear Energy (71) 467-474

  2. Daeseong Jo*, Omar S. AL-Yahia, Raga'i M. Altamimi, Jonghark Park, Heetaek Chae (2014) Experimental investigation of convective heat transfer in a narrow rectangular channel for upward and downward flows. Nuclear Engineering and Technology (46) 195-206

  3. Daeseong Jo*, Jonghark Park, Heetaek Chae (2014) Development of thermal hydraulic and margin analysis code for steady state forced and natural convective cooling of plate type fuel research reactors. Progress in Nuclear Energy (71) 39-51

  4. Mohammad A. Albati, Omar S. AL-Yahia, Jonghark Park, Heetaek Chae, Daeseong Jo* (2014) Thermal hydraulic analyses of JRR-3: Code-to-code comparison of COOLOD-N2 and TMAP. Progress in Nuclear Energy (71) 1-8

2013 ~

  1. Omar S. AL-Yahia, Mohammad A. Albati, Jonghark Park, Heetaek Chae, Daeseong Jo* (2013) Transient thermal hydraulic analysis of the IAEA 10 MW MTR reactor during Loss of Flow Accident to investigate the flow inversion. Annals of Nuclear Energy (62) 144-152

  2. Daeseong Jo*, Suki Park, Jonghark Park, Heetaek Chae, Byungchul Lee (2012) Cooling capacity of plate type research reactors during the natural convective cooling mode. Progress in Nuclear Energy (56) 37-42

  3. Daeseong Jo*, Shripad T. Revankar (2011) Investigation of bubble breakup and coalescence in a packed-bed reactor – Part 1: A comparative study of bubble breakup and coalescence models. International Journal of Multiphase Flow (37) 995-1002

  4. Daeseong Jo*, Shripad T. Revankar (2011) Investigation of bubble breakup and coalescence in a packed-bed reactor – Part 2: Development of a new bubble breakup and coalescence . International Journal of Multiphase Flow (37) 1003-1012

  5. S.K. Kim*, W.I. Ko, H.D. Kim, Shripad T. Revankar, W. Zhou, Daeseong Jo (2010) Cost–benefit analysis of BeO–UO2 nuclear fuel. Progress in Nuclear Energy (52) 813-821

  6. Daeseong Jo*, Shripad T. Revankar (2010) Effect of coalescence and breakup on bubble size distributions in a two-dimensional packed bed. Chemical Engineering Science (65) 4231-4238

  7. Daeseong Jo*, Shripad T. Revankar (2009) Bubble mechanisms and characteristics at pore scale in a packed-bed reactor. Chemical Engineering Science (64) 3179-3187

  8. S T Revankar*, H Olenik, D Jo, B Motil (2007) Local instrumentation for the investigation of multi-phase parameters in a packed bed. Proc. IMech Part E: Process Mechanical Engineering (221) 187-199

* Corresponding author

Somewhere over the rainbow - Louis Armstrong


School of Mechanical Engineering, Kyungpook National University

80 Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu 41566, Republic of Korea

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